AW 24/25
Here you will find the latest trend books, trend magazines, print books, color books, trend reports for season AW 24/25, and be inspired by the coolest and latest trends, trends, prints, materials, colors and more that adorn the season.
Among other things, you will find here pej gruppen’s popular color card - pej first colour, which is a color card for you who need an early color indication - A full 24 months before the current season. At the same time, it is also a color chart that is based on thorough color history and experience in spotting the new and commercial colors. pej first color is an obvious inspiration for creating your own color card.
First color is used in all lifestyle industries, including especially the fashion industry and the interior and furniture industry, and is the pej gruppen’s first offer for the autumn/winter 24/25 season. The exclusive color card consists of eight color scales/trend themes with associated headline and icon images. The result is a commercial Scandinavian and reliable color chart. The color card comes with PANTONE® cotton strips for each individual color.
Shop commercial and concrete work tools and the latest trends in the fashion industry and the interior industry for autumn/winter 2024/2025.