RAL D4 – Color atlas
RAL D4 - Color Atlas RAL Design is based on the CIE-lab color space and contains 1625 colors arranged by hat (H), lightness (L) and chroma (C). The measured values of the HLC functions lead to a seven-digit number of RAL Design colors, for example RAL 260 30 40. The RAL Design system has been developed primarily for sophisticated and decorative color designs. It is the color system of your choice for example for architects, designers and advertising agencies. With its methodically arranged and color-metrically defined shades, the system must be said to be the perfect instrument for individual color design. Since the system's launch in 1993, it has quickly become the primary choice for users worldwide. Creative color design requires a wealth of color shades, which RAL Design can present. RAL D4 is the basis of the RAL Design system and shows all 1625 colors as original patterns. Size 31.5 x 28.0 cmColor samples 1.7 x 1.7 cmSemi matt
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