Color Essence Interior - Color Directions AW 26/27
Color Essence Interior AW 24/25
Color Directions AW 24/25 is a commercial, German color chart focusing exclusively on the trend colors for interior products. The Color Essence Interior AW 2023-2024 color card contains four trend stories. All four are illustrated via a single mood image as well as an associated color scale.
NEW from this season, now the color card has both Pantone Color Chips and Swatch of all the trend colors for interiors! short inspirational text for each theme.
When purchasing a physical publication, you automatically gain access to
You also have the option to buy the digital version online and then have all Pantone strips sent to you, which always belong to the physical version.
The online access is a slightly different version of Color Essence, where you have the option to download the QTX, LAB and RGB values through a zip file that you download yourself.
And possible to purchase a Color Essence FASHION COMPLETE service consisting of Mens, Womens, Children and Sport.
You will find the Color Essence - Color Directions color charts for several different lifestyle industries such as: women, men, children, sports or interior. Find them all here
This color card is one of the only color cards on the market directly targeted at interior.
The color card is issued twice a year in January and July.